| Live Event Streaming and Audio Podcast Network is the leading LIVE Video Streaming & Audio Podcast network based in Louisville, Kentucky. Broadcast LIVE video or audio shows & events for free! Part of the Veercast Digital Media Network.

live, video, podcast, streaming, network, louisville, kentucky, broadcasting, broadcast, sports, talk, radio, high, school is the leading LIVE Video Streaming & Audio Podcast network based in Louisville, Kentucky. Livesportscaster was founded on a pure passion for live event broadcasting. 

We have hosted some of the Nation's largest live sporting events, but our specialty is serving the small communities, companies, and individuals who want and need to be seen by the masses. 

We have helped High School athletes get seen by college coaches, amateur MMA fighters make their way to the UFC, and we've accomplished that by providing a simple, easy solution for content creators to stream live and reliably to viewers around the world. 

At, we make broadcasting live video easy.  We use proprietary technology owned exclusively by our parent company Veercast Digital Media to generate revenue for your school or organization.  At, we are ALL about LIVE video and podcasts, and we look forward to helping you with your audio and video needs.  


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